United States of America

The Living Wage for United States of America varies per state or district. Check out the individual regions for specific data on Living Wages and Cost of Living.

Find the Living Wage for your state or federal district

What is a Living Wage?

Simply put, Living Wage is that level of remuneration that allows a person and their family to afford all necessities, pay required taxes, and save for emergencies.


Different organisations calculate Living Wage differently. The baskets of goods they deem to be necessities may vary. They also might calculate estimates for families of different sizes. However, all aim to arrive at a figure that allows individuals and their families to lead lives of dignity.

Living Wage - Living Wage for US

Logo of Living Wage for US

Living Wage for US provides Living Wage data only at the regional level. Please select a state or federal district in order to get a Living Wage estimate.

Living Wage - WageIndicator


Food 783
Housing 850
Transport 117
Health 786
Education 39
Clothing 76
Water 44
Phone 152
Other 142
Taxes 367
Total 3356

Data from 2023

Calculations - Living Wage for US

Living Wage for US calculates Living Wages for the USA based on the following family characteristics:

  • Families comprise 2 adults and 2 children
  • 1 adult works full time, while the 2nd adult works for 75% of legally permissible hours

Calculations - WageIndicator

WageIndicator Foundation calculates Living Wages for the USA based on the following family characteristics:

  • Families comprise 2 adults and 1.7 children (determined by the national fertility rate)
  • 1 adult works full time, while the 2nd adult works for 80% of legally permissible hours (determined by the national employment rate)