Living Wage Bahamas: Acklins

In Acklins, workers need to earn a Living Wage of at least BSD 1,770 to make ends meet for themselves and their family.

Income Type

Living Wage
Typical Family, per month
BSD 1,770
Typical Family, per hour
BSD 10.22

How these Living wages are calculated

Typical family characteristics

WageIndicator Foundation calculates Living Wages for the Bahamas based on the following family characteristics:

  • Families comprise 2 adults and 1.8 children (determined by the national fertility rate)
  • 1 adult works full time, while the 2nd adult works for 70% of legally permissible hours (determined by the national employment rate)


Expense Type

Costs per month
Food - per person BSD 236
Housing - per family BSD 1,580
Health - per family BSD 33
Transport - per person BSD 45
Education - per child BSD 19.5
Clothing - per person BSD 8
Water - per person BSD 4
Phone - per person BSD 44
Taxes - per family BSD 63

Data from 2023

How does the Living Wage relate to the Minimum Wage?

In the Bahamas, the Minimum Wage is currently BSD 910 per month. The Living Wage for Acklins is 1.9 times higher.


Food expenses

Cost per food product
Bread (one loaf) BSD 0.80
Oranges (1 kg) BSD 1.20
Sugar (1 kg) BSD 0.50
Bottled water (1 L) BSD 1.50
Meat (red) (1 kg) BSD 4.10